

and what to expect

quick facts

  • Intensives are considered life coaching and open to all

  • $650 for individuals

  • $800 for couples

  • 3 hours of therapeutic work and a 30 minute break 

  • Intake paperwork

  • 30 minute continuation call included as a 4 week follow up 

  • Comprehensive and customized list of resources (Books, podcasts, programs) provided

What to expect in a therapeutic intensive


 Hop on a quick, casual 15/ 20 minute chat on the phone with Ashley. This call is dual purpose, to ensure that I am confident I can help you reach your goals in therapy and for YOU to decide if I am the right fit for you. This is our chance to get know one another, Bring all your questions!


 Once we decide to schedule our first session together, prepare for an inbox of paperwork. Because I want to make the most of our one time intensive, this paperwork will be admittedly extensive. This will be our foundation to hit the ground running the moment we step into our intensive.


The format of the intensive will roughly be 90 minutes of intensive work, a 30 minute break (with some independent assignment) and a final 90 minutes of intensive work and planning. You can expect a mix of emotional work, talk therapy, mindfulness exercises, guided breakthroughs, and tactical planning to help you build on the progress we made in your daily life. 

At the end of our intensive, I will provide you with a customize list of tools to continue your progress. These resources can range from worksheets, books, podcasts, homework, or even schedules.  We will schedule a 30 minute follow up call about a month after our intensive. This call is to check in on your growth as well as provide support in any unexpected obstacles life may through your way.