10 quick and easy ways to have a better day

1. Drink water. Our bodies impact our mood greatly. Dehydration can cause all sorts of issues and has such an easy solution.

2. Open a window or go outside. Nature and fresh air have an immediate calming effect to your spirit.

3. Put on some music. Need energy? Something upbeat. Want to be calm? Your favorite “chill playlist”

4. Move your body. If you can hit up a gym or yoga class, great. If it’s just doing the stairs or intentionally walking far in a parking lot, that’s okay too! Basic stretches right before bed are great in relieving tension. Remember the mind and body are connected!

5. Talk positively about yourself. List 3 things you do well or that you like about yourself. The first three things that pop into your head.

6. Practice gratitude. What are 3 things you are grateful for in your life TODAY? Reflect on these for 1 minute.

7. Spend 1 minute focusing on your breath. Stop what you are doing, focus on the air going in and out. Focus on long exhales. Empty out your lungs.

8. Give someone a compliment. A stranger, or loved one. In person or via text. Anything goes. Even if you aren’t feeling positive, you can still spread joy. That joy will come back to you.

9. Eat well. “Well” as in, eat a proper meal with real food. Processed food and sugar impact our moods, not to mention a lack of nutrition can impact our mood. You may not be able to control the madness of your day, but control what you consume.

10. Forgive yourself. What are you beating yourself up over? Whether you said something you regret, acted without thinking, or didn’t complete your to do list. Tell yourself “I am allowed to make mistakes”

Bad days and challenges are bound to happen in life. Remind yourself that emotions are temporary. If you are struggling with feelings that are overwhelming and consist of self harm, know that you are not alone. Call 1-800-273-8255 for 24 hour support.

I would love to chat with you about how to manage your days, contact me today!

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